Demeshin 's Personal Weblog
[2598] / 脅しメール


It seems that, (********), is your password. You may not know me and you are probably wondering why you are getting this e-mail, right?

in fact, I put in place a malware over the adult vids (adult porn) web-site and guess what happens, you visited this website to have fun (you know very well what What i'm saying is). While you were watching videos, your internet browser started off functioning like a RDP (Team Viewer) which provided me accessibility of your screen and web cam. from then on, my software programs obtained all of your current contacts from your Messenger, Outlook, FB, along with emails.

What did I do?

I produced a double-screen video recording. Very first part shows the video you were seeing (you've got a good taste haha . . .), and Second part shows the recording of your web camera.

what exactly should you do?

Well, I think, $1500 is a fair price for our little secret. You will make the payment by Bitcoin (if you don't know this, search "how to buy bitcoin" search engines like google).

BTC Address: 1FCUwSdtCCN8YpcVvaZAo61K1fP1Wdhgh3
(It's case sensitive, so copy and paste it)

You have few days in order to make the payment. (I've a special pixel in this e mail, and at this moment I know that you have read this email message). If I don't get the BitCoins, I will certainly send your video recording to all of your contacts including family, colleagues, and so forth. Having said that, if I receive the payment, I'll destroy the video immidiately. If you'd like evidence, reply with "Yes!" and I will certainly send out your video recording to your 6 contacts. It is a non-negotiable offer, that being said don't waste my personal time and yours by responding to this message.


demeshin (2018/08/11(Sat) 22:04:24)

[2599] / Re:脅しメール

ぶっちろぐ:どっかで ID と PW が漏れたことをスパムメールで知った

demeeshin (2018/08/11(Sat) 22:16:00)

[2600] / Re:脅しメール


Bitcoin Address: 1MycfPTS76iBG6W5V1xcx9VzNASiNwXPLt
BTC Address: 16VQt4oWzRLHQyMdj2TuJX2ofAGVaoALAr
Bitcoin Address: 1E8MJMhvQaEWi3ZpGzGHT5m1Tkk35PKuSF
Bitcoin Address: 1BPfFWPBZTvHAhd6kqtAFsi2F4DFJYBooe
Bitcoin Address: 13vnRpX9k2BwgsTLPzDxCiQXhgedfYCJrF
Bitcoin Address: 1EWKpSWokEFdcHGQHwjR2iFo9z3VdvSSR9
Bitcoin Address: 17zakNaD5ifNcjG2jgiwj8UTsNC2fMajAn
BTC Address: 1BVhxtdiQxZgC68PuJ5AdWwEPG8FF5CoZZ
Bitcoin Address: 16rF8or61oYpRtyoeQueUR1gwfURtH78Cq

demeeshin (2018/08/12(Sun) 17:43:09)

[2601] / Re:脅しメール

BTC Address: 1AtreBQuUP1FBvvT3mngg5VrcqywxSRtGN
BTC Address: 152nrPkZzer1hJ3kZgzCByQv3Y9iekJnvu
BTC Address: 12S8JjArWwuPCKxBxXgHWpbynAjfbDexUZ
Bitcoin Address: 1FayQkP5rmbZiLei4PekSBeZjfjmbNR7uP
Bitcoin Address: 1CeGNDaVEnXVBeC9kTP974iw59rDz8N5dh
Bitcoin Address: 1GZM6qywadpfszNsY6y9CXXFcRSG7B48TH
BTC Address: 1BD54V8HSpjeyjTdzXypq7v1CXFhouzgRa
BTC Address: 15QDsggiTT47GFDLCFFzY8BbJwPX4obR52
Bitcoin Address: 16nQeDLi9JiXr5RDda9HoZx1iS7mjQTR68
Bitcoin Address: 13RspeRZgx1JNDeiDAJSoTP8tDH3j38Zse
BTC Address: 1QGZqazd7YVmFDzSn3LhKNGBJqwxMJ3vP4
BTC Address: 12oMpAFZoDzfwHPEAM923yrMUgT5JN1zxi
BTC Address: 14pdGnN62YuG9USbhiqMUry6BAAhQ3xXLc
BTC Address: 19S99TCWxCLpUdBEkRtdmqYR3fSSwWsFxs
BTC Address: 1EMDcvgfRFc8rLXPRUvjup2VhaeySvS2d2

demeeshin (2018/08/16(Thu) 11:24:13)

[2602] / Re:脅しメール

BTC Address: 17Pkv5z8mceoeZbkgBffutWLNbYBw6xj86
Bitcoin Address: 1LhFyTig9gXqkDmyjbC5hxovuxGUmESL9y
Bitcoin Address: 17yoH9UCdsiV61Ku9GLc95oPWM77imQbzN
Bitcoin Address: 1PC3oM1EDqg1o6iVe5U7mxtqU4XeWTcXWC
BTC Address: 1DKJZQFvpbZg9nopzcjjZBatTSFH3XaPgp

demeeshin (2018/08/17(Fri) 22:49:55)

[2603] / Re:脅しメール


Bitcoin Address: 18oTHC4nj2jWVZjzJLxwhuY6kDto3FMgLT
BTC Address: 1B4hDBDyisk3vaHz1T1EiCE7ryPPmvZm9Y
Bitcoin Address: 1BtXkNaZWM2QNbz5mV1JPA7gEUt4Uxfyx


demeeshin (2018/08/29(Wed) 21:02:35)



